
藤あや子( 藤彩子 ) わすれない歌詞


心の中に 描いてた 未来への夢を
ひとつひとつが 叶うよう 星に祈る

桜の花 ちりながら 季節はめぐる

あなたが くれた 優しさを
あふれる 笑顔で つつんでくれた
ふるさとの 青空 春のせせらぎ
明日へ続く道 歩いていこう...いま

生きてく意味を 探しても 答えはみえない
だけど心に いくつもの 勇気持とう

こがね色に 染まってる 稲穂がゆれる

あなたが くれた 大切な
言葉が 今では 道しるべだと
気づいたよ 昨日の 涙は今日の
笑顔にかえられる 歩きだそう...いま

翼を 広げた 鳥たち
どこまで 羽ばたく 夕陽のかなた
風にのり ひたすら 愛するものを
守っていくためか 運命なのか

そうさ 誰もみな 生きる喜びを
感じて 再び 笑顔になれる
いこうよ 一緒に 夢の居場所は
かならず見つかるよ 君と歩こう...いま

2.Never forget

作詞:Ayako Fuji
作曲:Hidekazu Uchiike

Sweet and simple dreams
All I wish to do
Held so deep in my heart

Every one hopefully
Will someday come true
As I wish upon a star

Sakura blossoms
Bloom and fade away
Time goes on,
Seasons change

Never forget
For a moment
The kindness showed to me
The smiling face, warm embrace
Shared so graciously

Though I depart
I am taking
The sound and smells of home
Future ahead, past behind me
I set off down the road alone

No one knows if you'll find
Answers that you seek
Though you may search your life long

No one grows who's heart or mind
Is fragile or weak
So be brave, believe be strong

Autumn colors so brilliant
Soon will fade away
Time goes on and people change

Never forget

The meaning of
Those words you used to say
Your insights, guiding lights
Illuminate my way

The night's frights
With the coming of the dawn
Forget my fears, dry my tears
The road will lead me on alone

Never forget
Every bird
That first takes to the sky
Leaves the nest, hopes for the best
Has to fall to learn to fly

It's time to soar
Through the clouds
To endless skies above
Trusted guide by my side
Riding on the winds of love

Not alone, not anymore
I guess I always knew
In the end I'd have a friend
One and one is more than two

Take my hand, conquer this land
Together we will climb
Each dream
A pinnacle
And I will share the view with you